Halloween Poem: All Hallowe’en

by Pauline Clark

Witch and warlock all abroad
Revels keep by field and yard.
In the firelight of the farm
Boy and maiden one by one
Place their chestnuts in the grate
And for omens quietly wait;
To a string their apples tie,
Twirl them till they fallen lie;
Those whose fruits fall in a hurry,
They shall be the first to marry.
Witch and warlock all abroad
Revels keep by field and yard.
Apples from the beam hang down
To be caught by mouth alone,
Mugs of ale on Nut-Crack Night
And many a tale of ghost and sprite,
Come to cheer and chill the heart,
While the candles faint and start,
While the flickering firelight paints
Pictures of the hallowed saints.
Witch and warlock all abroad
Revels keep by field and yard.